The campaign Know the Red Flags is the answer from Kvennaathvarfið (Women’s Shelter) and the consulting Bjarkarhlíð to an increased demand from young people to receive help and consultations because of violence in relationships. The campaign was funded by Jafnréttissjóður Íslands (The Equality Fund)

„The discussion of violence in close relationships is usually directed to people that have lived together and violence has already been a reality but we aim to educate and help those who have just started out because the red flags are there.

The awaress campaign shows short videos where a couple of very brave women talk about their history with violent relationships and look back on the red flags even though it was to late.

It is our hope that this campaign increases the understanding of violence in relationships and see the red flags before it leads to violence.“ – from

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Drífa Jónasdóttir

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