What: A conference on the invisibility of abusers and how the system tackles domestic violence
When: Wednesday June the 6th, between 13.00-17:00
Where: Icelandair Hotel Reykjavík Natura, Nauthólsvegur 52

Lately the survivors of domestic violence have been visible and resources and assistance has improved, however, we do have a long way to go.

It sometimes seems to be forgotten that survivors do have a perpetrator (an abuser), sometimes the perpetrator is even repeatedly involved in different domestic violence cases. 

Perpetrators do not live as solo individuals in a kind of a blank world, they are members of our society. Perpetrators are parents, relatives, friends, colleagues and normally, they are not evil. They can be charming, smart, logical, reasonable and be there when someone needs them.

Perpetrators who abuse their spouses and other family members are not a homogeneous group, apart from using violence – which is the behavior we need to be able to recognize. We need to know the warning lights or „red flags“.

Furthermore it is important to have resources for those who want to get out of the vicious circle of violence and for those who are, or are not, ready to face their violent behavior and actions.

We all need to learn to identify abnormal communication. We need to be able to spot violent behavior, despite being relatives, friends or professionals.

Fee: 500 kr.

Here is a facebook link to the event

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Drífa Jónasdóttir

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