Note that this is not a test which gives you the result “yes” or “no”. The following statements can on the other hand help you to realize the nature of your relationship.
Can any of the following be applied on you and your partner?
- Have you been afraid of your partner?
- Have you been afraid when your partner is under the influence of alcohol or drugs?
- Have your partner tried to prevent you from going somewhere you wanted to go?
- Has your partner tried to prevent you from going to work, school or hobbies?
- Does your partner command you/order you to do things?
- Does he/she demand you obey to him/her?
- Has he said (directly or indirectly) that you cannot cope or support yourself without him?
- Has he been watching/following you?
- Does he blame you for being unfaithful/cheating on you?
- Does he criticize you, your friends/family?
- Has he told you there is “something wrong with you” or you are mentally unstable/insane?
- Have you ever feared your partner, under any circumstances?
- Are things (f.ex. reason for an argument) normally your fault?
- Does he become angry when you object or have another opinion?
- Has be belittled you in front of others?
- Does he control your finances?
- Have you ever experienced having to have to obey to him in sex life, in order to “keep him good”?
- Has your partner in purpose, ruined/damaged your belongings?
- Has he threatened you with facial expressions, certain movements or signals?
- Has he threatened to harm himself, you and/or your children?
- Has he screamed on you and/or your children?
- Has he shoved/pushed you and/or your children?
- Has he slapped/beaten you and/or your children?
- Has he threatened to harm himself and/or commit suicide?
Note that on this page authors aimed to have the text as fluent and readable as possible and hence it was not always possible to take particular account of gender or sexual orientation.